27 March 2007

The Killing Fields

Arriving in Cambodia by way of a small jet, the capital of Phnom Penh looks to be nothing more than a dusty network of red roads from the air. After filing for a brief visa and passing customs, we hire a tuk-tuk to make the drive out to the Killing Fields, where under the command of Saloth Sar – widely known as Pol Pot – the genocidal Khmer Rouge faction brutalized and buried tens of thousands of their countrymen. Between 1970 and 1980, over four-million Cambodians were tortured and executed in the name of spiritual cleansing, and the region remained locked in civil-warfare until the U.N.-sponsored elections, held as recently as 1993.

It is a sobering forty-minute drive along unpaved roads, past collapsed slums and fields still armed with active land-mines. Emaciated cattle wander untethered in the red clay, while expensive land cruisers filled with Westerners blast by, kicking up a sail of dust and gravel. The air is bone-dry and sometimes clotted black from piles of burning refuse lining the roads. At the fields, beggars – many missing arms and legs – eye the money changing hands between tourists and officials. A group of schoolchildren clambering over a nearby fence sing “Jingle Bells,” their words punctuated by the sporadic pop of small-arms fire and the heavy, thundering caliber from a machine gun at a distant shooting-range.

The below photos were taken over the course of my first day in Phnom-Penh.

The Mekong Basin.
Phenom-Penh by tuk-tuk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok this is gonna be for all the posts i didnt comment on...
we just learned about the Khmer Rouge... but hmm...what was it about.... *jeopardy music*... what is... oh never mind... but yea thats sad...the skulls *chills running up my back* and the one kids shirt said love me... tear... o yeah and that guy whos getting the venom... thats pretty sweet... and the picture above it (i could go and on and on by the way) with the city streets thats pretty sweet too... but yea... WE INTERRUPT THIS MESSAGE FOR AN IMPORTANT...MESSAGE FROM UNCLE CHUCK- hello and have you had to go for anyone's juglar...yet?WE WILL NOW RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE... but yeah...he always interupts me cuz he doesnt take his own time to post... lazyness.ness.ness,... hah!!

but ummm yeah.... when will u be back?..{even tho u cant reply to these posts, right?}no more wint..i mean summer water fights... tear (Agen)

im telling u i can really go on and on...cuz i type wicked fast...

but yea im done... FO' REAL...LOL

~chyleigh and uncle chuck..